Only a few are worthy to
lead with the SPEAR
How do I get Inducted into the Spear Mastermind Team?
Anyone that wants to become a member must participate in the recruitment process.
What we do ?
We are a group to meet with the intent to develop strategies and help grow and prosper eachothers.
What is the point of Recruitment?
Recruitment is designed for potential new members (PNMs) to get to know the requirements, and members to get to know PNMs.
How do potential new members (PNMs) get selected?
The Council has a system unique to Iron Sharpens Iron. Iron Sharpens Iron and Spear association members have input in placement of new members. If all requirements are meet, an acceptance ceremony will take place inducting the PNM.
Can a PNM be cut from the recruitment process?
No. Every PNM that goes through Recruitment and meets the guidelines established by The Council for new membership is eligible to be selected.
How will I get information about Recruitment?
The Council will communicate with you.

-Membership to the Group is by invitation or enquiry. Prospective Members will be invited to meet with a representative. A decision will be made once the application form has been duly completed and discussed by the Committee. Once payment has been processed, membership will be issued to the member with a copy of the club rules.
-An application for membership must be on forms provided by the Group for that purpose and on submitting from the online platform is therefore in agreement of these rules.
-Each Member warrants the accuracy of the information provided.
-Joining fee shall be payable to the Group with the application for membership.
-The duration of all memberships is for a minimum of 12 consecutive months.
-Each Member of the Group shall be at least eighteen years of age.
-Membership should be renewed within one month of the expiry date to guaranty same fee.
-On arrival, members must present their membership card if requested to do so. Please sign the membership book and indicate the number of guests accompanying you on your visit.
-Membership cards are not transferable. If you misuse your membership card, your membership may be revoked. If you lose it, please ask the membership office for a replacement.
-A Member who through actions contravening the Codes of Conduct set out in the Group Rules will be liable to have their membership terminated and possible forfeit of the annual subscription in whole or in part.
-Members shall abide by the Rules and Regulations set out and stated by the Proprietor and Management of the facilities. Any member failing to adhere to the Group rules shall have their membership reviewed and may have their membership terminated without delay. All decisions are final.
-Each Member shall advise the Group and its management of any change of address or relevant information.
-Guests shall be admitted at the discretion of the Group and its management and must be accompanied by a member at all times.
-Members shall be responsible for their guests at all times.
-Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests are aware of all Group rules and codes of conduct during their time in the meetings and upon leaving the Facilities Premises.
-Members must not leave before any of their guests.
-If your guests are likely to arrive before you, please notify in advance
-Groups MUST comprise of men AND women.
-No guest under the age of 18 will be allowed entry into the Group unless by prior arrangement.
Group Dress Code does not wish to be binding or overly prescriptive, however we do politely ask our Members and their guests to dress for the occasion and be respectful in their choice of attire.
-All devices must be on SILENT at all times during the meetings.
-Each Member and their guest shall observe the rules and codes of conduct set out by the Group.
-Members and their guest shall take responsibility for the security and safety of their belongings and property. Each Member and their guest agree that the Proprietor will not be liable for any belongings or property or be liable for any claim or expense resulting to loss or damage to member’s or guest’s property.
-Any items found in the Group after closing will be recovered in the lost property book, held for 28 days from the date and then disposed of.
-Members will be issued with a membership card. This card must be shown at reception and is used in conjunction with any other identification procedures deemed necessary by the Group. You must present your membership card if requested.
-The proprietor reserves the right to refuse admission to or to eject members or their guests as it should think fit. Members shall observe such rules and obligations concerning bookings for facilities or services as the Proprietor may from time to time stipulate.
-No Member shall remove, damage, or destroy any artwork, item of furniture or any other articles belonging to the facility. If a member or their guest causes the loss, damage, or destruction of any such property as described, the member shall bear full responsibility and will be charged the applicable cost.
-Members are advised that CCTV cameras will be used in various parts of the facility Premises.
1.Violence will not be tolerated
2. No shouting.
3. Conduct yourself with decorum.
4. Treat the group’s staff with respect.
5. Respect your group.
6. Respect other members.
7. Every member is responsible for the actions and behavior of their guests.
8. Dress appropriately.
9. No nonsense.
10. Drug taking will not be tolerated
(group rules may subject to change)